Pre-Op handout for Dr Anderson's elective THR and TKR patients attending the Pre-Op Physio class.
This sheet is to be given to patients prior to leaving DI Department when the radiologist has recommended a breast biopsy.
Paper brochure for Abdomen/Pelvis ultrasound.
Paper brochure for Abdomen ultrasound.
Brochure for patients about breast tenderness. Education around what breast tenderness is and ways to relieve the pain/discomfort. Located in the mammography waiting area.
Paper brochure for Doppler ultrasound.
Paper brochure for echocardiography.
Paper brochure for GI Series and Barium Swallow.
Paper brochure for Mammography.
Paper brochure for Obstetrical ultrasound.
Paper brochure for Pelvis ultrasound.
Brochure that is referred to in the Falls policy
Brochure for patients about skin breakdown under the breast. Information about preventing/reducing skin breakdown. Brochure located in mammography wait area.
Paper brochure for Small Bowel Follow Through.
Paper brochure for X-rays Pregnancy and You.