Keywords Search Help
The system searches for content items and returns them, if the keyword(s) entered are in the following fields:
- Title (name)
- Description
- All other populated Detail fields
- Document body
Results are returned based on which of the two Keyword options are chosen:
If the 'Complete' option is activated, the search will return all items that contain the complete keyword(s) in the field defined above.
For instance: if ‘ blood’ was entered as a keyword, it would only return a match if the full keyword i.e. blood exists
If the ‘Partial’ option is activated, the search will return all items that have words that contain the keyword(s)
For instance: If ' bl' was entered, the results will include
- anything with a word that contained the keyword 'bl' i.e. mandible
- anything with a word that began with the keyword 'bl' i.e. blood
- anything with a word that ended with the keyword 'bl'
Category Search Help
The system searches for content items and returns them, when a category is selected.
Categories with an arrow next to their title contain subcategories. Clicking on the arrow will expand the drop down list and display the subcategories.
Selecting on a category that has subcategories will return all content items that belong to the main as well as the sub categories.
Search Results
Results 1 - 20 of 2035
Abbott ID NOW Covid -19 Analyzer Correlation Form
Abbott ID NOW Covid-19 rapid NAAT test for SARS-CoV-2
Includes test procedure, specimen handling, quality control, quality assurance, limitations, reporting results
rapid test
Abbott IDNow
NP swab
Covid-19 specimen collection instructions for Abbott ID Now
To provide abbreviated instructions for performing the Abbott ID Now test procedure
To provide abbreviated instructions on how to perform a quality control test using the Abbott ID Now
To provide abbreviated instruction on how to repeat a test on the Abbott ID Now
Abbott ID NOW Maintenance Log - Microbiology
Abbott ID NOW Quality Control Log - Microbiology
Job Aid
Patient criteria, covid-19, covid, ID Now
This job aid lists the patient criteria for rapid covid-19 testing using the Abbott ID Now platform
Abdominal Pain
Abdominal Pain Medical Directive
Abnormal Red Blood Cell Morphology
Abnormal White Blood Cell Morphology
Blood Type, Gel Blood Type
This procedure provides instructions on how to perform a blood type (including forward and reverse grouping) using the Gel method.