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Keywords Search Help

The system searches for content items and returns them, if the keyword(s) entered are in the following fields:
  • Title (name)
  • Description
  • All other populated Detail fields
  • Document body
Results are returned based on which of the two Keyword options are chosen:


If the 'Complete' option is activated, the search will return all items that contain the complete keyword(s) in the field defined above.

For instance: if ‘blood’ was entered as a keyword, it would only return a match if the full keyword i.e. blood exists


If the ‘Partial’ option is activated, the search will return all items that have words that contain the keyword(s)
For instance: If 'bl' was entered, the results will include
  • anything with a word that contained the keyword 'bl' i.e. mandible
  • anything with a word that began with the keyword 'bl' i.e. blood
  • anything with a word that ended with the keyword 'bl'

Category Search Help

The system searches for content items and returns them, when a category is selected.

Categories with an arrow next to their title contain subcategories. Clicking on the arrow will expand the drop down list and display the subcategories.

Selecting on a category that has subcategories will return all content items that belong to the main as well as the sub categories.

Search Results Results 1 - 20 of 2035